sparkling almond blossoms
1,153 reviews151 followers
I've been looking for a badly written manga story because I want to experience rating a one-star or two, or maybe no star at all. But, in this case, it was love at first sight when I first saw this series. The cover just really did it for me. Well, yea, not until I scroll through pages and realized what a trashy story this one is. Man, I thought this is going to be something like Given and I adored that series! Augh, definitely not. This series reeks of homophobia from top to bottom, rape on the sides, and abuse of power in the middle. And so sweaty all around (that's why I hate the art). The only good thing about this one is the ending, I think. Or, is it? Augh, I'm just glad that Asaichi mellowed down, but I still hate plot.
- boys-love erotic grotesque
1,228 reviews77 followers
This was a mixed bag for me . Yoru was very likeable and earnest and I ultimately did like his relationship with Asa. The journey there was a bit rough though. Seeing Asa take out his internalized homophobia on Yoru was difficult at times, even if it seemed Yoru may have had a slight humiliation fetish. It was really the brother's revenge that soured this for me a bit though. It was extreme and way out of proportion, and then kind of brushed off. I think I'll pick up volume two though, because Yoru and Asa are pretty sweet as an established couple, as is shown in the bonus chapter, which I quite liked.
- i-wanna-be-a-rock-star manga march-2022
876 reviews141 followers
Asshat seme that I really want to punch. I really hate the guy. But then something happened. He was raped and tortured. I can't help but feeling sorry. He got a taste of his own medicine. He needs to learn his lesson and I know it needs to be done. Their happy ending are so much worth it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- 2017-reads dark deliciously-demented
963 reviews37 followers
2.0 "It's gang-bang time, baby." This book is not what I expected at all. I thought it was gonna be a sweet BL manga. It was uncensored manga porn with several sides of abuse. I didn't feel connected with the characters. There was no story. We almost got some character development at the 75% mark, but then Harada was like, "Nevermind." I'm disappointed.
1,349 reviews163 followers
NO es para mí.
- bl
710 reviews12 followers
A lot of people have likened this volume to Given; it is NOT Given. The only thing it has in common are some boys in a band. Thank fuck Given is nothing like this. I'm not going to wax poetic but I do want to point out several things wrong with this volume and possibly even the publishing house, Kuma. I've read six volumes published by Kuma, all yaoi/BL, and of those six, four definitely had an ick factor. I'm no stranger to dubcon, and I'm a sucker for series such as Finder, Twittering Birds, Border, and Don't be Cruel; I read some messy stuff myself. Most of these put out by Kuma, don't contain dubcon, it's outright rape. That being said, this volume contains the following; -Band members drugging fans to have sex with them. It's made to look like a regular thing. Overall, this volume was not in good taste, at least not for me. I will say the lack of censorship is interesting, most specifically because it was published in Japan and printed in China. All the volumes I have read from Kuma had none of the usual block line, or erased area censorship that yaoi/BL is known for.
-One band member having sex with another in the dark after mistaking him for one of the drugged girls. Even though the second band member could have spoken up and didn't, the situation is still weird and is treated like a joke later.
-One band member being grossed out by the other but continuing to manipulate him into sexual acts and situations because he's unable to come to grips with his own feelings
- Severe emotional abuse/manipulation
-Plenty of sexual misconduct. Though the one band member again, doesn't say no, the situation is not an even playing field and the other band member is an outright scumbag.
-Domestic violence
-The volume ends with this weird emotional connection between the two band members, basically brought on by the rape and abuse of one of them.
-There are no consequences for the rapist or the band member's actions and when they see the rapist later, it's treated casually and almost like a joke.
- manga previously-owned yaoi
Elisa Fumis
Author10 books52 followers
The Song of Night & Day - La canzone di Yoru e Asa è un manga yaoi con una trama profonda e un bel tratto.
Yoru (notte in giapponese) si è innamorato di Asaichi (Asa significa mattina), un cantante mediocre e omofobo. Nonostante queste premesse, Yoru decide di abbandonare il proprio ruolo di cantante per diventare il bassista della band di Asa. Quest'ultimo si dimostra molto ostile nei confronti del giovane androgino.
Un episodio spiacevole che vede coinvolto Asaichi gli serve per cambiare e comprendere i propri errori e i propri sentimenti, avvicinandosi a Yoru e scrivendo con lui una canzone.
Le tematiche che vengono affrontate sono importanti, soprattutto la violenza fisica e verbale, l'omofobia e la ricerca della propria identità. Sono molte le riflessioni che scaturiscono dalla lettura di questo manga: Yoru di è innamorato di Asa in quanto tale, indipendente dal genere. Prima non si è mai sentito attratto dai maschi, quindi non si considera omosessuale. È davvero importante definirsi? Possiamo amare qualcuno per la sua anima, per il bene che ci ha trasmesso, senza riserve e senza tormenti?
I personaggi sono caratterizzati abbastanza bene. Un flashback ci fa capire la natura del sentimento provato da Yoru.
È un po' forte, a tratti crudo, rispetto ad altri manga del genere.
Ci sono Yaoi più belli ed emozionanti, ma merita comunque un posto nella vostra libreria.
2,376 reviews30 followers
This was too dark for me. And if it were a novel, i would have hated it, since I hate RockStar romances where one -or both- MC sleep around with their groupies. Yoru here is the one who loves Asaichi, an asshole singer who one night has sex with Yoru thinking he was doing it with a girl. After that, Asaichi becomes a bully, who says one and again that he likes girls and is disgusted with the whole thing with Yoru, but since Asaichi cannot stop obsessing with Yoru, he uses the poor boy as a sex-toy. Yoru would take anything his beloved gives him, even it means all give (on Yoru's side) but never take. Asaichi goes as far as kicking him after getting a bj, demanding Yoru to shut up and stop moaning since Asa doesn't want to hear a guy's moans, and always doing a quickie in the bathroom. Not one kiss, not one touch. Terrible! But that doesn't mean I liked what Asa had to endure afterwards. It was too much, too humiliating, too horrible. He was a total asshole, but that rape was too much, and it was too much that both rapist were happily carefree afterwards. I think this was more of a one-side romance. I think Asa likes Yoru later more out of gratitude. Still, I was happy for Yoru at the end, poor guy (and the thing with the bj mouth... I wasn't sure whether to laugh or vomit!)
- author-female bl-yaoi-manga dark
Fenriz Angelo
444 reviews40 followers
Uuuuuh...Harada sure likes to add some gruesome rape on her stories...hum...characters and story-wise i did not like this at all.
- mangas
2,240 reviews189 followers
*Reread 4/10/2022* I think this was just easier to swallow because I already knew what to expect. I still found myself putting it down because I just hated the situations. I hate that Asachi and Futsu are the type to roofie a drink. I hate that Asachi uses slurs towards Yoru. Like I think it would be fine for Asachi to be uncomfortable with how pushy Yoru was being, but he's just such an ass. I hate that the brother took his jealousy over Yoru to such an extreme that Asachi had to go through such a horrific thing and it just seemed kind of brushed off. It just felt like it was treated as a lesson that Asachi had to learn and there were no repercussions for the brother. I don't even think repercussions are even necessary, but the aftermath just didn't seem right. I hate that Shiori felt guilty for her involvement, when she was a victim in this situation herself and her using Asachi to get to Yoru was so minor compared to what was done to her. I still like the ending scene. I like Asachi's soft look when he realizes he cares for Yoru and wants to be with him, but I hate how we got there. I hate how Yoru is just an air headed punching bag that let Asachi drag him along and do whatever to him. Even his strong moment when he was protecting Asachi was kind of strange. It's such a bummer that this is how the story went. I don't dislike mean or problematic characters or situations, but idk I didn't love them in this. I think the story does have some moments that are good and funny, but a lot of it was very uncomfortable and not in a way that it should be. *Original Review 3/5/2022* I'm so disappointed!! I love stories about bands so much and I was really hoping to like this one, but it was just bad from the start. The chapter at the end was the only redeeming thing about it and I guess the art, I like that, but god what a bummer. This overall just made me uncomfortable. Asaichi is so unlikable and Yoru is so air-headed and just blindly likes him. Even after they revealed the reason why he likes him it didn't really make it believable. The whole thing with the girl's brother was so awful. I just hate when sexual assault is used like that. There was definitely a way to make Asa vunerable and Yoru protective without doing that. And when it was "resolved" it was completely brushed off and it low key felt like a joke. I hated that so much. The vulnerability and the little bonding they had after I liked, but I hate that that's what got them there. I mean Asa's not exactly a good person, but that was not the solution for his shitty behavior. Idk, man. I feel like this had the bones for a good story, but everything that happened just upset me.
I think I'm boosting my rating solely for the fact that now that I've read more of Harada's works and have really grown to love their writing, I liked it a little more. I am still disappointed and my previous review still stands.
-Original rating 2 stars-
- age-adult fucked-up genre-bl
964 reviews4 followers
CW: Rape, Gang Rape, Torture, Homophobia, Manipulation Okay, I know this is a dark story with some really heavy topics, however I loved this way more than I thought I would. We follow two young men who pursue music together. One of them becomes obsessed with the other, who abuses him.
I see this story as a character study of abuse. I know not all will read it that way, and that's okay. This story hit me in the feels. I don't recommend it to everyone. I may have just read it at a good time, but I loved it.
Nix Buttons
1,956 reviews40 followers
I didn't like how unsafe sex and rape was portrayed. Like none of that is a real issue. And the 'story' itself was boring.
It could have been a lot darker, then the issues would have had a real place in the story and some essence to them and I might have really liked this. But they were glossed over. Even the opposite direction with comedy would have fit the characters, the airhead and the hothead.
- 01-1_english 01-2_manga 01-4_standalone
252 reviews1 follower
La canzone del giorno e della notte, cioè di quello che in effetti sono Yoru e Asa, il giorno e la notte. Oltre alla storia, quello che mi è piaciuto di più è il chara di Harada. Yoru bellissimo. Se Momo fosse stato bello la metà di Yoru, Yata non avrebbe avuto scampo con lui, così come alla fine anche Asaichi ha dovuto cedere.
- manga
Katty Santos
18 reviews8 followers
Beforehand to let people know: this is not GIVEN and it's only resemblance is boybands. Also be careful because it's not soft BL. It's a very graphic novel and when it comes to YAOI, it's pretty common. There's slightly a character development and maybe 2nd volume we get to see it more. This was not my cup of tea but then again, there was only one scene that left me really uncomfortable and unexpected.
Unfortunately, there was a part of the story that really bothered me (the abusive sex scenes or aka rape) and that's why I'm giving this rating (could have been lower but I did like Yoru).
Samael Vasquez
6 reviews
I’m usually a fan of Harada’s works specifically for how they take a deeper look at complex situations in romance, including unpleasant topics, but this book just wasn’t at the same quality level I’ve come to expect. Especially near the end I found myself being let down as a lot of complications were glossed over the same way a lot of other “porn with no plot” BL does. That said, I was still thoroughly entertained and endeared to Yoru’s pure character so I don’t feel like I wasted my time reading this. Hopefully the sequel fleshes out these aspects it’s missing in its current form.
1,208 reviews26 followers
TW: rape, homophobia, roofies This book has a lot of heavy subjects in it. Normally, I can overlook certain things if they make sense in the plot. There were things in this that were heavy but made sense with how the characters were portrayed. We knew they were horrible people so them doing horrible things wasn't a surprise in that context. That being said. There were things that didn't need to be in this to further the story. Someone does not need to be raped to learn a lesson. There are so many other ways that the character could have learned and grown throughout the book. It just didn't seem like something that needed to be done to further the plot. And in the aftermath, it just seems like it's glossed over and everything is fine within a few pages. Overall, this is not something that I'll be returning to and I probably won't read anything else by this author either. I don't want to waste my time on anything else that's similar to this.
- lgbtq library-book manga-graphic-novels
Aleja Uribe
616 reviews10 followers
Bueno, para ser de Harada estuvo bastante bien. Que si, que como es de Harada obvio va a tener un humor un tanto cuestionable y temas sensibles, pero acá siento que no se pasó tanto como en Happy Kuso Life, por ejemplo. Yoru me pareció muy bobo pero tierno a la vez, y Asaichi pues es un idiota pero luego me cayó algo bien. Está bueno pa pasar el rato.
The Perks Of Being A Bookworm
21 reviews16 followers
Rebecca Jane
1,288 reviews58 followers
2.5 stars.
- manga-2022 manga-graphic-novels
aki ूाीू (taylor's version)
184 reviews1 follower
harada moment 👍
- manga-fav
269 reviews1 follower
- 2023
Vania Mejias
90 reviews
Una mierda
566 reviews15 followers
Unfortunately I continued to read this after chapter one even if I really should have just dropped it by then. No one should really be reading this. It was awful every stretch of the way through.
95 reviews2 followers
q onda cn la tortura AKDKWK falta el tept para q sea más creíble TT
805 reviews13 followers
Come al solito Harada ha fatto una delle sue magie facendomi apprezzare questo manga contro ogni previsione. Fin dall'inizio non sembrava potermi prendere in alcun modo incarnando tutto quello che odio in un manga: aveva due protagonisti cliché (il solito omofobo stronzo e il ragazzo gentile e innamorato a tal punto da fare lo zerbino), personaggi secondari a prima vista utili come dei sassi, situazioni ambigue, una interazione tra la futura coppia basata solo sulla violenza ecc eppure per qualche oscuro motivo ho continuato la lettura con sempre più interesse arrivando ad amare e apprezzare la storia. Sinceramente non so proprio cosa mi abbia spinto e cosa mi abbia colpito... Ogni volta che mi capita tra le mani un volume di Harada è sempre la stessa storia....Odio e amore si fondono indissolubilmente. Forse è il suo modo ambiguo di raccontare le storie "d'amore" tra i protagonisti. I personaggi di Harada non sono mai perfetti, tutto il contrario! Incarnano perfettamente tutta l'essenza della razza umana e lo fanno dall'inizio alla fine, senza mai cambiare. Mentre negli altri manga troviamo i personaggi pieni di casini e problemi e poi li vediamo pufff diventare dei personaggi improvvisamente positivi qui non è così.... Le storie di Harada sono imperfette e per molti aspetti sbagliate o di dubbio gusto eppure sono coerenti e i protagonisti di questo libro ne sono un esempio. Il rapporto tra Asa e Yoru non nasce nel migliore dei modi e non diventa mai un "amore" canonico... Non diventa quell'amore delle favole e questo va bene... Gli stessi personaggi non sanno come essere una coppia, come rispecchiare i canoni classici di una relazione eppure va bene. Mi sono piaciuti proprio nella loro imperfezione, proprio nel loro modo incasinato di dipendere l'uno dall'altro e penso sia proprio questo che amo delle storie di Harada. Sono umane e piene di luci e ombre. Vogliono sottolineare le imperfezioni della natura umana in tutte le sue forme soprattutto per quanto riguarda l'amore e i sentimenti. Ho quindi apprezzato i personaggi principali nonostante il loro essere cliché a prima vista così come ho amato i secondari... Ho AMATO Iori! È il "cattivo" per così dire ma è perfetto, ambiguo al punto giusto, umano al punto giusto, un personaggio che riesce ad essere cattivo e buono allo stesso tempo proprio come la maggior parte degli esseri umani, né nero né bianco ma grigio come tutti noi.. lui e sua sorella sono una forza della natura, carinissimi soprattutto quando sono insieme e interessanti quando sono separati. Mi è piaciuto molto come è stato presentato e spero di rivederlo anche nel secondo capitolo della storia per scoprire magari cosa lo lega al suo sottoposto/amico e come potrebbe evolversi la sua storia dopo aver visto la sua cotta sfuggirgli dalle mani. Insomma un manga che mi ha intrigato. Lo consiglio? Come tutti i manga di Harada... Ni!!! È un manga oscuro e ambiguo dove la violenza regna, dove non troviamo una storia d'amore sana ma una oscura e piena di difetti quindi.... Potrebbe turbare i più sensibili..... Da leggere solo a vostro rischio e pericolo!!
- 2020 cartaceo manga
314 reviews3 followers
The Song of Yoru and Asa is basically what happens when you take the manga given and you make it WAY more problematic. Technically the only similarity between this and given is that they’re both rock band stories, but the comparison is bound to be made lol. There was a lot I liked about this manga. The artstyle was very pretty, both Asaichi and Yoru are super cute and I loved their expressions, especially on Asaichi since he’s much more emotive. I also really enjoyed the dialogue and banter between characters, like all the scenes with the other band mates. Also this was uncensored which was a surprise, I don’t think I’ve read an officially published BL that was uncensored before. The smut scenes (except for one in particular…) were good, but the dialogue in some of them would definitely upset a lot of people I think. The negatives about this manga mostly fall on Asaichi, he’s a total scumbag lol. It’s made pretty clear early on in the story that he’s not a good guy at all, and throughout the story he says and does things that made me dislike him. The main thing I disliked about the manga is going back to that one scene I mentioned earlier, well that scene was really difficult to read due to what happens in it. I don’t know what the mangaka wanted readers to feel during that part but it wasn’t good. I’m happy with the ending and I like that Asaichi became a better person, but I just wish he hadn’t been such a bad person for like 80% of this story, and I wish it didn’t take that horrible thing that happened to him in that scene to make him change for the better. Like yeah I’m glad he becomes a better person but did he really have to go through that to get there ? Despite the things I didn’t like, I was super into this story and definitely plan on buying the next volume when it releases soon. I feel like the next volume would be much better since Asaichi and Yoru are together and Asaichi is no longer such an asshole lol.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- boys-love-manga manga-manhwa
Lily Ackerman
387 reviews7 followers
Siendo totalmente honesta, no estoy segura de qué me pareció este tomo, ya que hablando de arte, composición y toda la vibra que transmite es muy bueno, pero sobre la historia no sé realmente que podría decir. Tal como en otros trabajos de Harada, la historia va mucho más allá de lo que se plantea en la sinopsis, y por más que estés acostumbrado a los tremendos plot que suele utilizar, siempre logra sorprender de forma extraordinaria, logrando que esté tan fuera del argumento inicial pero al mismo tiempo esté tan relacionado que simplemente te deja sin palabras. Debo insistir que este tomo, al igual que la gran mayoría de Harada, no son para todo el mundo. Cierta parte del contenido puede ser realmente sensible para muchas personas, pero al mismo tiempo sí te doy el exacto trigger warning sería un spoiler, por lo que sólo puedo decir que si eres del tipo de persona sensible a contenido gráfico, este manga no es para tí.
Veronica Pappolla
261 reviews2 followers
Questo volume mi ha colpito particolarmente per la sua onestà. La crudezza del linguaggio intimo di Asaichi, la paura e la rabbia che sfocia nel maltrattare la persona che mette in crisi l'immagine che hai di te, la difficoltà con cui, nonostante tutto, non te ne vuoi separare. PS. Probabilmente sarà una unpopular opinion ma:
Capisco perché piace, Harada unisce un po' il nuovo modo di fare yaoi (quello più da confort zone) con quello vecchio. penso che recupererò un altro paio di sue opere per capire se ho ragione o se spazia.
- manga yaoi-shonen-ai
Danae Grandchester
1 review
⚠Si la obra no es de tu agrado, no significa que sea mala⚠
-Me gusta, el dibujo es hermosos, los detalles de los ojos iluminados y la cara sombreada para dar énfasis en la mirada es mi parte favorita, además de las caras de miedo al final.
- La historia me gusto, no es de color de rosa y tiene continuidad en sus capítulos. Lo malo es cuando estas tan acostumbrada a sus historias y sus plot twist que no llega a sorprenderte.
-Escenas sexuales: Perfecto como siempre.
Octavianny Mata
246 reviews
Me la pase muyyyy mal leyendo este manga por tres cosas:
-El seme es una basura
-El personaje masculino que creí que seria el seme casi finalizando la historia le hacen un cambio de personalidad drástico que no me gusto en absoluto
-El seme es violado
Lo único que vale de verdad la pena de este manga es el uke es la ternura en persona <3
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
- 2016 mangas-bl