I summed up most of the ideas written here, devided to what I like, and what I think will not work. What's not here, I just felt indifferent about.
All the ideas I like, with some remarks of my own:
"Arrow keys can move you around gently."
"Double-click on a character automatically opens the DETAILS window for that person."
"Nursing mothers who tell stories to the other kids and therefore get more parenting experience. Maybe they can teach them too." -I agree, pretty little growth in parenting, but still something, but the children don't get anything out of it (less boredom maybe?).
"More Building jobs for builders."
"More huts maybe about 5 small huts and few big ones." -I just think no matter how many huts, as long as there is one that is noticeably biggger than the rest- a master hut! =P
"Tree-house for kids" - Best ways I could think about for kids to train before reaching 14, e.g, building a small tree house (building. oh, and the tree house will keep collapsing every once in a while, because they're kids, and they pretty much suck at constracting. this way, there will always be a way to incresase kids' building), collecting mushrooms (farming), collecting collectibles (research). They're stats growth would be slow as it is, but I still think it should be capped somewhere in the middle of "trainnee".
"Day & night time" - I like the idea, but only graphically, i don't want my villagers to sleep half of the time.
"Personally I think VV game should be funny rather than magical" - I agree comletely.
"Parents have twins?" -Could be problematic (your'e getting double the work force, for no reason, just luck), but if there's a way to make it work, it could be really fun. Can't think of a way myself XD
"Less Incest." -Absolutely. I mean, I don't mind the action, but the bigger picture looks like a bunch of ignorant villagers, spawning undistinguishingly, until death. If incest wasn't allowed, and if there was a family tree page, each villager would be more special.
"More items to spend points on other than clothes, like medicine, or quick knowledge, lol or even hair do's!" -Excluding that free knowledge part, I like the idea ^_^
"More pop-ups where you decide what the villager should do."
"Fire per hut" -Especially in night time =).
"It would be nice if it would say 'Untrained Farmer' or 'Untrained Parent'". - Basically essential!
I thought about building a nursery, where who ever works there develops parenting skill (male or female), and everybody can dump they're babies there. That way women have an equal chance of becoming elders, without giving up raising children. But there's a problem - will such a feature give a player too much control?
All the ideas I think will not work, with reasoning:
"Bios for Villagers(Changeable)" -Tedious.
"Bigger map" -The game supposed to have 9 sections, for easy navigation. Also, the game consists on simplicity, bigger map, means bigger game. Meaning a lot of the charm is gone.
"Kids picking up stuff by themselves." -The whole point is YOU collecting the items. In any other way, you wouldn't care about how many collectibles you have.
"The whole army/cannibals thing." -Not even remotely suitable for this game.
"Healer should be able to heal bit of health to sick villager during healing." -The bar of health is replenished by eating food. It would be illogical that a person fills that kind of bar for another person. A healer converts "sick" to "healthy".
"I would like to see an outhouse" -That is just stupid.
"Collectibles, once a child has collected one you should decrease the number of times it appears to make it a bit easier to find the others." -Chances are, that it is already like that. if it would be increased any more, it will lose some logic and charm.
..."I would also like it to be easier to train the healers." - I kinda like the idea really, but healing is not THAT needed, the majority of the time, you're not even getting around using it. If it would be over trained (all villagers are adept/master doctors), you will lose interest in the skill (in general, as a player).
The game is a puzzle solving game combine with a sim game. Not a crazy adventure with many dangerous obstacles. puzzles! People here are going waaay over board, thinking crazy stuff should be implemented (e.g- extreme weather, army). It just won't work. The game is cute and family friendly, deal with it XD
Other than all of that, I would like to discuss the pets ideas a little more thoroughly:
Let's say you can build a farm, with sheeps, cows, and bulls. Let's say you could have any animal you wanted. What uses will it have, other than you staring at it, mesmerized?